“BeatStars Studio” is a dedicated platform developed to empower producers within the BeatStars ecosystem, facilitating the submission and visibility of their work for purchase on the Marketplace.
Designed to be user friendly in mind, this project serves as a seamless conduit for producers to showcase their creations and connect with a global audience of music enthusiasts.
Available on both iOS and Android platforms, “BeatStars Studio” harnesses the power of native languages to deliver an intuitive and immersive user experience adapted to each operating system. Leveraging a multi-modular architecture, the project optimizes resource sharing by integrating several packages across the Marketplace and Studio Apps, ensuring efficient development and maintenance workflows.
Key to the project’s functionality is the integration of GraphQL for the API, enabling flexible and efficient data retrieval and manipulation. Additionally, a shared WebPortal serves as a centralized authentication gateway, streamlining user access across the Studio and Marketplace Apps.
For responsive app performance, “BeatStars Studio” uses RxJava and RxSwift for reactive programming, enhancing user interaction and data processing throughout the application.